

We offer legal expertise in the following areas, among others:

Dispute resolution broadly encompasses all legal measures to resolve disputes. Disputes can arise in many different areas of life, such as business, contracts, employment, family law and relationships between individuals. The aim of dispute resolution is to find a fair and effective solution, either through negotiation, mediation or, if necessary, in court.

Our experts support our clients at all stages of the dispute resolution process, ensuring legally sound and practical solutions.

Negotiations and mediation:

We assist parties in finding amicable solutions, saving time and costs.

Court hearings:

We represent our clients in legal proceedings in all areas of law and ensure the protection of their interests.


We offer expertise in private and faster dispute resolution procedures, such as arbitration.

Breach of contract and damages:

We assist in contractual disputes, filing compensation claims, and resolving disputes.

Disputes can be challenging, but with expert legal support, reaching solutions is smoother and more efficient. Our goal is always to protect our clients' rights and interests and find long-term, workable solutions.

About dispute resolution

Corporate Dispute Resolution:

Comprehensive legal support in disputes between companies, such as business conflicts, shareholder disputes and other commercial disputes.

Contact a professional


020 763 9900

Tatu Ronkainen

020 763 9900


Litigate on koko Suomen alueella toimiva asianajotoimisto, jonka kotipaikka on Oulu. Tarjoamme kattavia juridisia palveluita niin yksityishenkilöille kuin yrityksille, räätälöiden ratkaisumme asiakkaidemme tarpeiden mukaan.

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