Company law


We offer legal expertise in the following areas, among others:

Company law covers the legal foundations and practices of business operations. It regulates the establishment, operation, ownership structure, management and decision-making of a company. Corporate law issues are central to various stages of business operations, such as choosing a company form, drafting articles of association or shareholders' agreement, and share transactions or generational changes.

We specialize in helping our clients in complex corporate law situations.

Company formation and change arrangements:

Choice of corporate form, mergers, demergers and other corporate restructurings.

Corporate documents:

Articles of association, shareholder agreements and board resolutions.

Ownership arrangements:

Share transactions, venture capital investments and corporate acquisitions.

Dispute resolution and mediation:

Disputes between shareholders, board liability issues and other disputes related to corporate law.

Corporate law is a dynamic area of ​​law where regulations and practices can change rapidly. We constantly monitor developments in legislation and case law to ensure that our clients receive timely and accurate advice.

Information about company law

Contact a professional

020 763 9900

Tatu Ronkainen

020 763 9900

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